Jarmila Mitríková

Dávid Demjanovič



Scenes from the secret history of Czechoslovakia. Public cremations of merited members of society, state-led support for spiritualism and worship of pagan gods as a method of suppressing Catholicism, progress using tradition, occult circles within Svazarm preparing youth to fight the class enemy through incantations and traditional occult practices. Constructing of May, the establishment of sacred groves, burning of churches. Processions, assemblies, manifestations. Excavation of civil defence objects in the Tatra mountains. Ghosts, revelations, hallucinations.

Jarmila Mitríková & Dávid Demjanovič

after studying at the Košice ŠÚV, they graduated from in 2011 the VŠVU in Bratislava. Mitríková (*1986) studied in the ceramics studio with Ivica Vidrová and in the painting studio with Ivan Csudai. Demjanovič (*1985) studied in the studio of intermedia with Anton Čierny. Although they both successfully deal with different art forms, they are united by creating pyrography. In their works they work with several motives connected with our geopolitical space: Christian and pagan traditions, mysticism, superstition and superstition tales, history and its mystifications, public mass social events, folklore and folklorism, nationalism… While creating paintings they often use methods of historical figural compositions and landscape paintings. At the exhibition in Šopa Gallery, in addition to the latest pyrography paintings, they will also present ceramic sculptures, on which they worked during the summer in the Žiaromat refractory material factory in Kalinovo.



The exhibition was supported by MK SR.


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