Jan Matýsek

220 bpm


220 bpm (beats per minute) is the latest project made by Jan Matýsek. It invites the audience to overcome their limits, or rather to recognize that most these limits are self-imposed. Some argue that there are forces guarding these limits or thresholds. Whether these are supernatural beings or just norms arbitrarily set by society, albeit strongly entrenched under our skin, their existence is undeniable. The exhibition will create a sacred space for meditation, focused relaxation, transcending personal boundaries and overcoming those fears that one might label as guardians of the threshold.
Jan Matýsek (*1994) is an artist and scenographer. In his work, he mainly focuses on video art, which he often places in impressive installations. He deals with themes such as transhumanism, ecofeminism, queerness and corporeality. He has been exploring the topic of altered states of consciousness for a long time, for example in his project Leviathan’s Wet Dream (2020), where he explored the possibility of hallucination caused by intoxicated water, or in his recent project Fuj Tajxl!! Stick Your Finger Through the Death, which the 220 bpm project loosely follows.
The exhibition project is supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council.
Slovak Arts Council is the main partner of the project.
The project is also financially supported by City Košice.
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