Wild Garden Utopia workshop III: EMPATHY WITH A PLANT

FB Event

Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás

Šopa Gallery, Hlavná 40, Košice / 17.00


We invite you to become part of a new chapter of the long-term botanical sci-fi project Wild Garden Utopia, created by the Hungarian artistic duo Kitti Gosztola and Bence György Pálinkás.


Through a series of workshops, we imagine a future where Japanese knotweed, a so-called invasive alien species, is the only plant in Europe, and the few remaining humans represented by the participants have no choice but to find harmony with nature and redefine themself as a community through rituals, sound making and empathizing with the plant.


In this final workshop, right before the opening, we will connect with Japanese knotweed through our senses. We taste it, smell it, touch it, and hear it and practice radical empathy.


If you are interested, you can sign up by email: monika.padejova@kair.sk.


The workshop will take place just before the opening of the Wild Garden Utopia – Chapter 7 exhibition in Šopa Gallery at 18:00.


Workshop is FREE

Date: July 4th 

Duration: 1 hour, 17:00 – 18:00

Age limit: 14 +


The residency program is supported using public funding by the Slovak Arts Council. The Slovak Arts Council is the main partner of this project. The project was also supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

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