Dušan Kochol
Exhibition opening: 17. 11. 2015 / 18.00 hod. Exhibition's duration: 18. 11. - 22. 11. 2015
“I like to observe the behaviour and reactions of individuals and society in different situations and in different environments. During the process, I often mix new with the found and compare the symbolism of fine art to pop culture. ” / Dusan Kochol
The exhibition belongs to the project: FOVEMBER – ALMOST THE MONTH PHOTOGRAPHY
The renaissance of photography in the city is behind a large collaboration of CLUB, DIG gallery, Šopa Gallery, Kotolňa, Woont, Artforum, Synagogue and PhotoArt Centrum, East Coast, Dive Buki, More and Creative Industry Košice. From 17 to 22 November 2015, nine photographic exhibitions and a special edition of Pecha Kucha Night Košice took place.